Icon Pilipinas: July 2020 Transparency Report

ICON Pinas
14 min readAug 4, 2020


Hello ICONists!

July was another fun and busy month of growth for us here at Icon Pilipinas. Arguably, July was our best month ever as P-Rep. Let’s get right to it!

Icon Pilipinas Quick Recap

✅ Featured guest on CryptoCommunity Marketing Interview.

✅ Featured guest on Blockchain Infinity AMA.

✅ Featured guest on AMA Series AMA.

✅ Hosted Road to 1,500 Raffle.

✅ Hosted FutureICX AMA + Events Promo (collaboration with nblaze of Midos).

✅ Increased followers on Telegram from 735 to 2,696.

✅ Launched ICON KABOG! event on Telegram.

✅ Achieved #1 ranking in the Philippines and #52 globally on Telegram.

✅ Increased followers on Facebook from 54,489 to 56,927.

✅ Launched ICX News Ngayon on Facebook and YouTube.

✅ Launched ICX News Ngayon Quiz Time on Facebook.

✅ Achieved post reach on Facebook of 1,012,471.

✅ Increased subscribers on YouTube from 287 to 917.

✅ Published 6 full videos on YouTube.

✅ Increased followers on Twitter from 457 to 1,288.

Featured AMAs

CryptoCommunity Marketing Interview

During the first part of July, Icon Pilipinas was live on YouTube, taking part in a CryptoCommunity Marketing Interview to talk about ICON.

It always makes for a great time whenever our team gets a chance to catch up with these lovely ladies!

You can catch the full replay (mostly in Tagalog) here:

Blockchain Infinity AMA

Next, our team took part in the Blockchain Infinity AMA event on Telegram.

Blockchain Infinity is quickly becoming a top crypto chat on Telegram, and we had a wonderful time engaging with their fast-growing community during this particular AMA.

You can read the full recap here.

AMA Series AMA

Lastly, we concluded the month with an AMA Series AMA.

As our community grows, we’re going to try our best to leverage off this momentum and try new to look for new ways to promote and grow ICON awareness; we think this AMA Series AMA was definitely the step in the right direction.

Engagement from the community was very strong, with 447 questions related to ICON asked prior to the start of the event…

Furthermore, the feedback we got from the event host himself at the conclusion of the AMA was extremely positive, and noteworthy:

ICON is quickly becoming a global phenomenon, and even though our main focus is on growing things here in the Philippines, if wonderful opportunities present themselves elsewhere, we have no reservations with exploring new frontiers.

Let’s keep pushing forward! More POWER!

Featured Events

The Road to 1,500 Raffle

In an addition to the AMA events highlighted above, Icon Pilipinas also made a concentrated effort to significantly boost our number of members + engagement on our local Telegram chat during the month of July.

We held another raffle in July, called “The Road to 1,500” to help us achieve a milestone of 1,500 members.

The event started on July 1 and winners were announced on July 14, with the objective having been met:

A total of 900 ICX tokens were given out to winners of the raffle.

FutureICX AMA + Events Promo

Towards the end of July, Icon Pilipinas also teamed up with nblaze, of P-Rep team Midos, to help promote a FutureICX AMA on our Telegram chat.

The FutureICX AMA took place on July 22, with questions from the community being asked and posted on both Twitter and Telegram.

Many thanks to nblaze for sponsoring this event and going the extra mile in responding to the many questions asked by the Icon Pilipinas community, on both Twitter and Telegram.

Here’s just a brief sample of the FutureICX AMA transcript with nblaze…

Q&A (FutureICX AMA)


Hey everyone! As most of you probably know Im nblaze from Icon Prep team Midos and together with the Prep team Sharpn we have built the FutureICX.io app, which was released earlier this week. This has been quite a long and exciting journey which started almost an year ago and we are all very excited that we have finally been able to reach a successful app release with so much positive feedback coming our way.

Jenny: How did you come up with the idea for FutureICX and how did this project get started?

@nblaze: Well, as a long-term holder of ICX, I have always been fascinated by Icon’s system and were looking into ways to contribute to it. In the beginning I have been doing extensive research for the best Prep teams to delegate my ICX to, but somehow this did not feel enough, and I wanted to do more for the chain (and respectively for my investment). After jumping through a lot of different plans and ideas, including lotteries, raffles, games, payment systems etc, I have noticed that a lot of people in the trading channels love to make predictions so long story short, approximately half an year later I have partnered with the Sharpn prep team, we really clicked together quite well and thanks to a Grant that the Icon Foundation and the Iconation teams have provided to us, we were able to provide this amazing result to you guys

Jay: Awesome, thanks so much @nblaze for that great response! It’s great to see long-term holders of ICX tokens decide to get involved and “hands on” with the project.

Here’s my next question for you…

Throughout the entire development journey, there’s sure to be plenty of ups and downs experienced… What’s one particular fond memory that stands out to you the most?

@nblaze: Oh, I would need to go all the way back to the planning phase of FutureICX. I have gone to bed pretty late one night as I was very excited about the Dapp idea, but somehow I constantly kept hitting a brick wall in trying to figure out how it would work. No matter what I thought of, several hours of planning later I have thought of something critical that would be a major issue. So this night I was pretty tired and honestly becoming a bit desperate that I would never find a system that would work. After going to sleep, I woke up approximately an hour later with a clear idea about the system that I would like to use for FutureICX. I had no sleep from this moment onwards, just got to my computer and worked on it all night. It was really an ‘Eureka’ moment that I’m quite fond of.

Jenny: I totally understand 😅 It’s a very well thought out project! Congratulations again for finally launching it!🥳 Here is my last question.

What are your plans, either near-term or longer-term now that FutureICX has been released?

@nblaze: Of course, we are still working on FutureICX’s current state and are making sure that everything is running well, the app is stable and that players are happy with it. We have already started making plans for our next development stage though and although I cannot share too much still, I can tell you that we are aiming for 3 additional original trading games, additional trading pair predictions and maybe even different crypto payment options. Hopefully everything will go well and we would be able to reach those targets (and who knows, maybe more) 😊

Jay: wow, more games! more trading pairs, more AWESOME coming your way soon guys!

Thank you so much for all that background information @nblaze and sneak peak of what’s to come! Now let’s proceed to Segment 2…

Jenny: Here is the first question from Twitter.

What is the Mission and Vision of FutureICX? by DivTheanerz (@theanerz)

nblaze: I like this question as it is simple and yet very complicated to answer. FutureICX is aiming to be a multi-purpose platform that could be used by a wide range of players. It could be used as a mean to get additional gains from trading, as a learning tool, as a proof of skill or even as a fun app that you can have fun and gamble on. It is also very beneficial to the Icon chain as it not only makes transactions, it could also be a replacement of the ‘exchange’ trading in which no icx are leaving the system (thus reducing sell pressure and increasing the price of icx) and finally as a tool which can reduce the circulating supply as the icx tokens placed in predictions are locked until the outcome is processed.

I actually wrote an article a few days ago about this exact topic — what has inspired us to make the app and what are the benefits of using it. Anyone interested can find it at this link:


But that wasn’t all!

The follow-up FutureICX Events Promo ran for 5 days total, with an additional Round 2 of questions posted on Twitter, immediately following the AMA.

3 questions were selected each day, over the course of 4 days, and the selected winners were announced in our Telegram chat…

Thank you again to nblaze, who was gracious enough to stop by our Telegram chat each day of the promo to answer questions and partake in fun games with the community!

All in all, 600 ICX tokens (again, this event and prize pool was sponsored by nblaze!) were given out as prizes over a period of 5 days on our Telegram chat.

With all that being said, we’re also very confident this won’t be the last time FutureICX will be highlighted as the main event in our chat too!

Social Media

Telegram Growth

There are currently 2,696 members on the Icon Pilipinas Telegram chat, which increased from 735, previously.

Over time, we’ve quickly come to realize just how powerful a tool Telegram is for turbocharging engagement… which is why we made a conscious decision to introduce ICON KABOG! to our group chat this month.

Many thanks, and a HUGE shout out goes to miss Charlotte, who has helped us take engagement to a new level, thanks to: quizzes, games, prizes, and more!

Here’s an example of an ICON-related question that might show up during a multiple choice quiz, via Quiz Bot.

At the end of the quiz, the top 3 participants are typically rewarded ICX/TAP tokens!

Here’s an example question from a re-arrange the words game…

There’s also matching…

And even word searches…

Things like crossword puzzles seem much better suited for in-person meet ups, but we’ve already taken the time to compile a few now… for future use…

As a consequence of introducing ICON KABOG! in July, the Icon Pilipinas chat was able to finish ranked #1 out of all Telegram group chats in the Philippines (based on Combot data).

Furthermore, we’re happy to share that somehow the Icon Pilipinas group chat also managed to finish the month ranked #52 out of 38,0000+ total Telegram groups (based on Combot data).

Without question, July was our most successful and best month yet on Telegram.

Facebook Growth

At the conclusion of July, the Icon Pilipinas Facebook page has achieved 56,814 likes and 56,927 total follows (up from 54,384 likes and 54,489 total follows, previously).

Same as before — Our team remains committed to utilizing Facebook to promote ICON, both on the marketing side, as well as educational. Ideally, Icon Pilipinas will be able to grow our user base in Facebook, as well as onboard many of our followers here onto Telegram, as well, for further engagement.

During the month of July, we realized that we needed to make a more concentrated effort to boost engagement on Facebook (since we aren’t currently able to utilize things like tipping bots on this platform).

As a result, we introduced ICX News Ngayon this month, to share the latest news happening in the ICON ecosystem with our followers.

Since inception, each week, our team has been offering 100 PHP load/winner (5x winners) for passing the Quiz Time event.

Quizzes have been released onto Facebook on Saturday at 4:00 PM Philippines Time, and winners are typically announced on Sunday night.

Here’s an example:

As highlighted above, our engagement on Facebook has started to improve with the introduction of both ICX News Ngayon and Quiz Time.

We’re just trying to get steadily better, taking things a day at a time…

Facebook Marketing Ads

In July, we were able to get back to more aggressive advertising on Facebook, which helped us achieve a post reach of 1,012,471 and total impressions of 1,368,576.

Here are some of the noteworthy Facebook ads (mostly ICX News Ngayon videos) our team published in July to promote ICON:

YouTube Growth

The Icon Pilipinas YouTube channel now has 917 subscribers (up from 287, previously).

YouTube Educational Videos

As mentioned earlier, ICX News Ngayon was launched in July, with 6 full episodes appearing on not only Facebook, but YouTube as well.

Twitter Growth

On Twitter, Icon Pilipinas experienced sharp growth this month, as our followers have increased to 1,288 (up from 457, previously).

Although Twitter hasn’t been our team’s main focus of growth on social media, we did receive a strong boost in followers this month, in large part due to the ICON Daily News Giveaway Round 2 (many thanks to Ian Enanoria and P-Rep team Stakin for all their support!).

Medium Educational Articles

In July, our team published only 1 article on Medium, as our focus was elsewhere.

Instagram Growth

We currently have 103 followers on Instagram (up from 52, previously).

Similar to the last few months, not much needs to be said for our progress on Instagram at this time. Quite frankly, until the lockdown/quarantine is over and we can go back outside to take photos, Icon Pilipinas will not prioritize growing our Instagram page.

Instagram growth remains more of a long-term plan for us at Icon Pilipinas.


Icon Pilipinas was very fortunate to have our Grant Application approved by ICON Foundation this month, which SIGNIFICANTLY helped us with our budget/spending in July.

Many thanks to ICON Foundation for all their support, because quite frankly, without their help, it just wouldn’t have been possible for our team to accelerate our community building growth as much as we did this month.

Furthermore, although first portion of the grant payment was not received until closer to the end of the month, our team nevertheless took the initiative to jump out in front, as we started executing our game plan immediately upon receiving the green light in early July.

Total monthly expenses in July included the following:

  • Marketing ads = 35,807 (~729 USD)
  • Events and raffles= 48,670 PHP (~991 USD)
  • Tips and rewards to community= 16,417 PHP (~487 USD)
  • Node and infrastructure support = 2,023 PHP (~41 USD)

For a subtotal of: 2,248 USD

Salaries paid out in July included the following:

  • Contractor services = 26,476 PHP (~539 USD)
  • Core-team total staff wages = 22,869 PHP (~466 USD)

For a subtotal of: 1,004 USD

With that said, our team is long ICX tokens (we truly do believe in ICON), and we try our best not to sell any of our own personal holdings on exchanges/market, as much as possible. Outside of selling ~466 USD worth of ICX tokens to cover certain core-team salaries, the large bulk of grant rewards were staked.

In other words, no, our team is not dumping ICX tokens on any exchanges!

P-Rep Ranking

At the conclusion of July, Icon Pilipinas was ranked #27 among global P-Reps on the ICON network.

Icon Pilipinas Ranking

At month’s end, Icon Pilipinas had racked up 3,163,478 votes (an increase from 2,221,201 votes, previously).

Granted, 1,500,000 of our votes in July came courtesy of ICON Foundation, via their P-Rep Delegation Pilot Program, which we are most humbled and grateful to have received.

We sincerely hope that after reporting this month’s transparency report, ICONists will agree that we’ve been a very productive P-Rep team that is well-deserving of all votes we’ve received to date.

Icon Pilipinas is most passionate about ICON (this is the ONLY blockchain project we focus on!) and we are dedicated to working as hard as we possibly can to help accelerate growth and mainstream adoption.

Thanks for reading. Salamat po!

You can learn more about ICON Pinas by following us here:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IconPinas/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkwvlG2636SqqtjOYAxOhQ

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IconPinas

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iconpinas

Telegram: https://t.me/icon_pinas

Medium: https://iconpinas.medium.com/

Disclaimer: Cryptocurrencies are EXTREMELY volatile! These assets are also very speculative in nature, and no one should ever buy any without first conducting their own thorough research + due diligence. Never put any more capital at risk than you can comfortably afford to lose all of!

As ALWAYS, proceed most carefully, and if you have any questions, please consult a professional financial advisor.



ICON Pinas

A P-Rep from 🇵🇭 representing the ICON Project. To learn more about ICON, please visit: https://icon.foundation/?lang=en